After finding the best instructor for you, taking an individual golf lesson is the best way for many to learn the game of golf. In an individual golf lesson, you are one on one with your golf instructor and he or she can give you his or her undivided attention. The golf instructor will have time to completely explain any part of the swing that you might be having a challenge with currently.

Individual Golf LessonThere seems to be this idea out there that the only way to improve is to spend time on the driving range. Some students have even told me that spending individual golf lesson time putting, chipping or pitching is a “waste of their money.”

Funny, because the last I checked, over half of the strokes any player takes is within 100 yards of the hole. HAHA As you schedule a series of golf lessons, make sure that you are learning all aspects of the game. This means that your individual golf lessons will include spending time on the practice putting green as well as in the short game area, if it is available. If this area is not available, any golf instructor worth their weight will take you out onto the golf course to learn these shots.

During an individual golf lesson, many students also demand to be put on video. I go both ways on this one and think that it really comes down to two different things. First, it depends how you learn. Yes, I know many of you like to see what is going on. Second, it depends what your current skill level is. If you are a mid to high handicapper, it seems that as we watch the video, you tend to get more frustrated as it does not look like you think that it should.

Make sure to arrive early for your individual golf lesson so you can properly warm up prior to the session. You will be wasting time that you are paying for if the first part of the lesson is spent getting you warmed up.

In order to get the most out of your single golf lesson or series of lessons, purchase a golf journal. This is another way to optimize your lesson time. Again, any good golf instructor will CLEARLY outline what you should be focusing on and how to quantify this before you leave. A golf journal gives you a place to keep track of these notes so you can quickly be reminded of key thoughts on the golf course or before a practice session.

When it comes to what you should be working on in your golf game the golf instructor should have the final say. With this being said, if you do not understand something you should ask as many questions as you need in order to understand the concept. They may even use a golf training aid to help you understand the concept.

An individual golf lesson is a great way to learn the game of golf. You will create a relationship with your golf instructor and lower your handicap in a shorter period of time by learning one on one.

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