Dynamic Loft

As I talk about dynamic loft or active loft with my students, I first want to make sure that they understand that there is a difference between dynamic loft and static loft. Let’s start with the former…

What Is Static Loft On a Golf Club?

Simply put… the definition of static loft is the loft on the physical club itself. For example, many drivers have a loft stamped on the bottom of the club head such as 9.5 or 10.5. The manufacturer is stating that the said vertical face of the driver head is at a 9.5 or 10.5 degree angle. However, in reading this article you will see that that can be very different from the dynamic loft.

What Is the Definition Of Dynamic Loft During The Golf Swing?

Now that we understand what static loft is, we can better understand dynamic loft.

TDynamic Loft rackman defines dynamic loft as…The vertical club face orientation at the center-point of contact between the club face and golf ball at the time of maximum compression.


In slightly simpler terms, It is the amount of loft on the clubface at impact and is measured relative to the horizon. Some players think it is easier to refer to it as delivered loft and I think that makes more sense.

Why is dynamic loft important?

Creating the proper active loft is important to creating the optimal trajectory and maximizing carry. Too much active loft can send the ball too high into the air and reduce the golfer’s distance. Too little dynamic loft can send the ball too low making the ball roll out excessively causing it difficult to judge distance.

What Is The Best Active Loft For Me?

This is a common question that I hear from students. Like most other things in golf… it depends. The definitions from above may seem simple to you, however, there are many different variables that go into determining the best dynamic loft for you.

What Creates Dynamic Loft On A Golf Club?

When it comes to trying to calculate the active loft, there are many factors other than just the static loft plus or minus whether the shaft is leaning backward or forward at impact.

Some of the other factors include…
1. Angle of attack
2. Shaft flex or bend
3. How the golfer releases the club head
4. If the clubface is opened or closed to the club path at impact
5. Where the ball makes contact on the clubface and the subsequent gear effect

Why Dynamic Loft Is Important To You

All players are interested in optimizing distance with every club in their bag. Depending on the golf club, a proper active loft needs to be in a tight window. The “proper dynamic loft” will depend on multiple factors including how the players will tend to deliver the golf club to the golf ball. Not everyone does it the same way. Some players deliver the club with more loft than others and vice versa.

Many higher handicap players that struggle with controlling active loft struggle with creating too much of it. This shows up in a golf swing video as what is known as a “flip” at the bottom of the golf swing. This typically results in many strikes on the bottom of the clubface.

A Golf Swing Drill To Improve Dynamic Loft

Here is a video from Mark Crossfield to help you with creating the proper active loft for you…

Improve Your Golf Swing...

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