Golf Lessons Online Golf Coach Brad Myers PGA

Golf Lessons Online

As you are getting busier and busier in your life, golf lessons online are not such a far-fetched idea.

It is no secret that with the smartphone in your hand, in your purse or, in your pocket, business never stops.

Let’s make your life easier by understanding how an online golf lesson could help your game and have you hit more solid shots.

Online Golf Lessons

Golf Lessons Online


What are golf lessons online?

Simply explained, online lessons are any teaching or lesson that you may take via the internet.

You can take or attend such lessons with a smartphone such as an iPhone or, an Android, a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer.

With recent events in our world, online lessons and/or instruction is being taken to learn anything from how to play guitar… to… how to cook… and yes… how to play better golf.

Online Golf Instruction


You may be thinking… No matter how good the coaching is… there is no way that golfers could improve my golf swing by just being online.

From my professional experience, it can happen.

Here is what has happened with lessons for Jerry…

Over the past two years, The Ball Flight Academy has helped me play the best golf of my life. Last year, I broke 90. I then turned around this year and broke 80 for the first time!

Virtual Golf Lessons


But… But… But… There is no way that I can improve with virtual golf lessons unless I have a teaching professional standing there with me.

Let me ask you a quick question… How do you think the guys and gals on tour do it? Their instructors are not standing next to them teaching them every single day.

They use technology.

Well… like Jerry said above… He took his game to a new level working with us all online. And shot some of his best scores ever.

Are you ready to do the same with your golf swing and shoot your best scores?

Online Golf Lessons: Save Time

With the Ball Flight Academy’s online golf lessons, you will simply answer some questions about your current ball flight.

Yes… you can be standing your driving range or practice tee one day and have videos personalized instruction for your current swing challenges to improve your game… all while holding your smartphone, IPad or tablet.

No longer do you need to wait to schedule another appointment into your busy calendar and having to wait to improve their game.

Free: YouTube Videos, Instagram, Etc.

You are probably familiar with the idea of free golf instruction whether you know it or not.

Many golfers have been on the internet and watched an online lesson via Instagram or YouTube.

Now… there are some very good coaches teaching and posting instruction on various platforms and I have learned a lot from some of them. .

The challenge is simply that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

You have to know what you are looking at.

If you are not careful, you could be getting multiple messages from multiple videos.

Not unlike having one parent telling you one thing and your other parent… confusing.

If you decide that this is the way to go, select one or two golf instruction theories and a professional that subscribes to those thoughts.

Take Control Of Your Game

Here is some tough love… You need to be a champion for your own golf game… Especially if you are trying to play tournament golf.

That score being posted is what you shot. Not what your instructor did.

Yes… your golf coach helps you with instruction but… they are not the one that swings the club.

Membership Plans

When it comes to improving your game, I would recommend the teaching and lessons from one of the Membership Plans with the Ball Flight Academy.

Here is what you will receive…

  1. Take unlimited golf lessons
  2. Will be given tasks and drills specific to your swing challenges
  3. Learn the proper way to build references
  4. Given practice schedules
  5. Be held accountable to your practice
  6. Interact act with a live coach
  7. Share your wins in the community

Wanting To Improve Your Golf Game?

Take a golf lesson from Brad in Sarasota, Florida

Click Here

Not in Sarasota?

Let’s improve your game online…

Click Here

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